• Belhaven announced the winners of the 2018 Alumni Awards. The University will honor the award recipients during the 2018 Alumni Awards Reception on Friday, November 2 at 5:30 p.m. in the Dr. Billy Kim International Center. This event will kick-off Belhaven Homecoming 2018.
  • Order your copy of Grace-Focused Optimism today at Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble! A companion study guide will be coming soon. Published by Christian Focus Publications.
  • Dr. Charley Lynn Chase shares the truth of Grace Focused Optimism in venues as diverse as senior living communities, high school chapels/assemblies, college retreats, Sunday school classes and church conferences on a regular basis. Book your next event today!

    God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation. - Hebrews 2:10


    A History of Providence is full of truths that fuel optimism about God.


    If your weakness, whatever it is, humbles you, then you should thank God for it.

Someone once said of the 18th-century evangelist George Whitefield, “Mr. Whitefield was so cheerful he tempted me to become a Christian.” Blessed temptation! May everyone who names the Name of Christ become such a sweet enticement to those who do not know Him. Yet note what it was that made Whitefield whet the appetite of […]

On Friday, January 20, 1961, the young, charismatic Democrat senator from Massachusetts named John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the Thirty-Fifth President of this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Among America’s most eloquent speakers, Kennedy’s inaugural address was full of stirring ideas clothed in splendid words. Many think the most […]