All posts by: Andrew Sherrington

About Andrew Sherrington

Thanking God at mealtime is “saying grace.” This comes from the New Testament’s word for gratitude. It means “good grace.” When you say grace you’re saying, “Lord, this meal is grace and your grace is good! Thanks!” The New Testament also teaches us that saying grace in the sense of thanking God isn’t just for […]

History knows England’s King James I as “the wisest fool in Christendom.” He was personally intelligent but politically inept. In a different sense, every Christian is a wise fool. That’s because the wisest thing in the world is being a “fool for Christ” (1 Corinthians 4:10). The Mary who was sibling to Lazarus and Martha […]

She was one of those out-going, easy to be around people who never make you feel like a pair of brown shoes in a room full of tuxedoes. She’d have been a great ambassador for America. I’m sure she’s been one for her husband. He needed one. He became a pastor. She graced us with […]

In last week’s post, we looked at the Bible’s answer to the question, “Why Do Bad Things Happen to Christians?”. The Bible says, “Because God orchestrates them.” His DNA’s on every one of them. This answer raises another tough question: “How can God love us yet subject us to pain?” A 19th century preacher advised […]

The Christian Attitude toward life is the optimism that through Jesus my life is a grace G.O.O.D.: a God orchestrated opportunity for development, disposition, and doxology. Having looked at the “G” (“G” is for God) in the acronym, we move now to the first “O.” It stands for orchestration. Orchestration means arrangement. Arrangement involves two things: first, it involves a goal; secondly, it involves […]