1. Select a hosting site. There are many out there to choose from. We use Inmotion hosting for this site, and you can find them at the link below. InMotion is affordable, reliable, and provides a ton of support throughout the process.
2. Select a domain name. This can be done through the hosting site you’ve chosen for step 1. When selecting your name, it is recommended to find a .com name if at all possible. If you have a very specific domain that you want that is not available as a .com, then you can look for a .net, .org, or .me.; however, know that most people are going to look for you at .com and if someone already has your .com name, you may want to look into picking a variation or rethinking your name.
3. Install WordPress and select a theme. WordPress is easily the most popular blog platform available. Through WordPress you have more options, plug-ins, and support than any other platform. WordPress also has a large collection of free themes to get you started.
4. Start designing your blog and writing content! This is obviously the most exciting step. If you’ve wanted to share a message for some time, you may already have some content that you can put up immediately. If not, start writing posts and putting them on your blog.
5. Use social media to connect with readers. This is a great way to find an audience for your message. Post links to your content or and ask your friends and followers to share it on their own accounts.
6. Finally, if you decide that you want to make some income on your blog, here is a great resource for getting your blog up and running, getting it noticed, and turning it into a business:
*Please note that the links provided are affiliates, but we use and recommend each of them.