“He is really well off.” Who comes to mind when you hear that?
Bill Gates, the man who’s Fort Knox rich?
Tom Cruise, the charismatic star who’s still as bankable as anyone in Hollywood and as recognizable as anyone in the world?
Or maybe Paul Finebaum’s pal Laura Rutledge, the woman who’s making waves in the formerly man-only world of college football?
Here’s who comes to mind when I hear “He is really well off”: me. And you if you’re a Christian.
If you’re a Christian you’re really well off.
Every Spiritual Blessing
Like me, you may not be rich. I make do on a chaplain’s salary at a private school. That’s closer to minimum wage than the maximum tax category. That you? Are you living from paycheck to paycheck? Doesn’t matter. If you’re a Christian, like me you’re really well off.
Like me, you may not be famous. The paparazzi don’t camp out at my house. No one asks for my autograph. When I die the New York Times won’t run my obituary. Are you someone even your neighbors don’t know? Doesn’t matter. If you’re a Christian, like me you’re really well off.
Says who? Says the only One who counts. God. Listen: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 1:3). That word “blessed”? Here’s the CSV (Chase Standard Version): “really well off.”
This is talking about Christians. We’re the only people on the face of the earth who are really well off.
[ctt template=”2″ link=”52caN” via=”yes” ]Christians are the only people on the face of the earth who are really well off.[/ctt]
No Matter What, I’m Really Well Off
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When we wake in the morning we can say, “I’m really well off. My Father’s giving me a new day. Jeremiah 29:11 tells me He’s got great plans for me today.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When something happens to us that we don’t like or that hurts us or that we don’t understand, we can say “Romans 8:28 tells me Father’s going to work this to my good.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When we’re worried about something, we can remind ourselves “Matthew 6:25-34 assures me my Father feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies and cares for me far more than He cares for them. I have nothing to worry about.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When we cut a finger on the sharp knife of sin we can say, “1 John 1:9 is an emergency room where the Great Physician will stitch my wounds with forgiveness.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When someone doesn’t like us or makes fun of us or rejects us we can say, “John 17:23 assures me that Father loves and prizes us as He does Jesus.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” When we find ourselves in well over our heads, we can say, “Philippians 3:21 assures me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Every Christian—EVERY Christian—can say, “No matter what, I’m really well off.” One day we’ll die. When that happens we can say, “Philippians 1:23 tells us that then we’ll be with Christ which is far better.”
Got the point?
If you’re a Christian, you’re really well off!