Something’s missing in the lives of Christians who aren’t Grace Focused Optimists that, like a head cold keeping a man from savoring a fine meal, keeps them from savoring all that living with The Christian Attitude would give them.
So what is it?
Well, before we can answer that question, we must first answer another question. What is a Grace Focused Optimist?
The Christian Attitude
A Grace Focused Optimist is a Christian who is living with The Christian Attitude toward life. The Christian Attitude toward life is, through Jesus, my life is a grace G.O.O.D.: God orchestrated opportunity for development, disposition, and doxology (read more about this in our free Bible Study).
Princeton Seminary founder Archibald Alexander’s advice to graduates was, “Young men, make much of the blood of Jesus in your ministries.” A Christian is someone who makes much of Jesus’ blood. A Christian is someone whose anthem is the old hymn, “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
You can’t be a Grace Focused Optimist unless you’re a Christian anymore than you can see without eyes or hear without ears or breathe without lungs.
BUT—you CAN be a Christian and NOT have The Christian Attitude toward life!
You can be a Christian and not be a Grace Focused Optimist as surely as a couple can love each other but not have a great marriage. The number of Christians who love Jesus, but don’t enjoy a life of great Christianity because they aren’t Grace Focused Optimists is legion. They are many.
[ctt template=”2″ link=”0g2UG” via=”no” ]You can be a Christian and NOT have The Christian Attitude toward life![/ctt]
The Missing Ingredient
So what is that missing ingredient?
Many Christians don’t understand what Christianity really is.
What is Christianity? Christianity is Grace Focused Optimism because Christianity is God carrying out his plan to glorify himself through Jesus by having his people enjoy his goodness forever on the New Earth.
IF you understand that Christianity is grace; —and IF you understand that grace is God carrying out his glory plan for his people; —and IF you understand that the entire Bible sings and dances with optimism that God WILL accomplish his plan and feast his people on his goodness forever; —And IF you understand that being a Christian means that YOU are one of his people; —And IF you focus on this the way the Bible focuses on it; —
THEN, you can’t help but live as a Grace Focused Optimist.
[ctt template=”2″ link=”KObN2″ via=”no” ]Many Christians don’t understand what Christianity really is![/ctt]
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Understanding the truth that Christianity is Grace Focused Optimism produces Christians who live as Grace Focused Optimists as surely as understanding that your tests show that your tumor’s benign produces gladness and gratitude.
A Grace Focused Optimist is simply a Christian who understands that Christianity is Grace Focused Optimism.
[…] Christian Attitude toward life—the attitude of optimism that “through Jesus, my life is a grace G.O.O.D.”—a God orchestrated opportunity for development, disposition, and […]