How can you believe that God is always the One dealing with you?

How can you believe he’s the One dealing with you when an unscrupulous CEO siphons your retirement money or a Katrina sweeps away your house or the doctor tells you, “I’m sorry the cancer’s inoperable. You’ve got six months?”

Because those things happen to Christians. And, I believe when they do it’s God dealing Who’s dealing with us.

I believe that because of the authority of the Bible. The same Bible that we believe teaches, “Jesus loves me / this I know / for the Bible tells me so” also teaches us the Lord’s the One dealing with us when bad people and things lay siege to us.

I believe what it says about both.

Then I believe God’s always the One dealing with me because of my expectancy that the Being who is GOD will do things that I can’t fathom. I expect to be unable to catch a 400 lb. Marlin with a cane pole and a paper clip sized hook. And I expect to be unable to get my small mind around the doings of a God as great as the God of the Bible.

The Problems with Pride

My third reason for believing God’s always the One dealing with me is humility.

Humility is the solution to three pride problems we may face when thinking about God’s rule, peoples’ freedom, and life’s horrors.

1. Humility solves the pride problem that because we who are creatures can’t see how the Creator can do something, he must not be able to do it.

That’s sort of like a six year old who can’t figure out a math problem insisting his Einstein smart Dad won’t be able to figure it out either.

The great Dizzy Dean loved talking about his ability. A woman rebuked him for bragging. Dizzy said, “Ma’am, it ain’t braggin’ if you can do it. And I can do it.”

Humility hears God saying, “Is anything too hard for the Lord . . . With me nothing is impossible…I can do immeasurably beyond all that you ask or think…”

And humility bows and says with Job, “Lord, I know you can do all things.”

[ctt template=”2″ link=”73CH7″ via=”no” ]Humility hears God saying, “With me nothing is impossible…” And humility bows and says with Job, “Lord, I know you can do all things.”[/ctt]

2. Humility solves the pride problem that God must answer every question we have—or else!

It’s a fact as clear as the noonday sun on a cloudless day that God doesn’t answer our questions about his control of the evil and pain in the world.

A lot of people don’t like this. They put God on trial. The charge: he owes us an explanation for everything. He refuses to answer. They render a “guilty” verdict—either guilty of not existing or guilty of not being worthy of following.

But humility recognizes that when a small creature like me deals with a great God like him, the best path is that of the Psalmist: “My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.” (Psalm 131.)

3. Humility solves the pride problem that we know better than our loving Father what’s best for us.

I walk as cautiously here as a soldier through a minefield because I know that some readers are experiencing kidney stone painful nightmares at this very moment.

It’s almost impossible in these times not to say with Jacob, “All these things are against me.” (Genesis 42:36.) And then descend into “a damp drizzly November in my soul” discouragement like Ishmael in Moby Dick.

I say with great tenderness toward my suffering brothers and sisters, I’ve come to see that, at least for me, no matter how searing my pain, questioning God’s love in these times is accusing him of child abuse. Because, boiled down, it’s saying, “Father, you can’t really be doing what’s best for me by letting me go through this pain.”

And this says, in effect, ‘Father, I know better than you what’s best for me.”

Ability, Wisdom, and Love

Writing this humbles me. My picture’s on this wanted poster. I’m guilty of bringing such awful charges against our heavenly Father.

So, you must excuse me for a moment. I must stop writing. I must flee to my Savior for forgiveness . . .Back now. Back to share with you that, as always, something wonderful happens to me when I go to the cross.

At the cross I’m humbled by God’s ability, wisdom, and love.

The God Who can punish sin yet forgive sinners is surely able to rule everything in such a way as to be always the One dealing with us.

The God Who can punish sin yet forgive sinners is surely wise enough to be trusted with my unanswered questions.

The God Who can punish sin yet forgive sinners is surely too loving ever to wrong any of his sons and daughters in any way.

[ctt template=”2″ link=”2SG7F” via=”no” ]The God Who can punish sin yet forgive sinners is surely wise enough to be trusted with my unanswered questions.[/ctt]

I’m humbled by the thought that I am in the hands of this able, wise, and loving Father. And, praise his Name, he assures me I am in his hands.

“G” is for God.

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2 Responses to The Third Reason I Believe God is Always the One Dealing with Me: Humility
  1. […] me this); Expectancy (I expect a Being as BIG as God to do things beyond my understanding); and Humility (the fact that as a frail creature of dust and feeble as frail I have no business demanding that […]

  2. […] that I believe God is always the One dealing with us. Those reasons were Authority, Expectancy, Humility, […]


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